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Exam time again

Boo 😦 Had the first of my biology exams this Monday, think I did okay. It was multiple choice, which is pretty new to me. Finished in an hour and a half. I felt like I was fairly prepared, even though I studied for about three days. Had to do a bit of guessing on some questions, pretty much as expected. Hope the results will be up soon.

Tomorrow I have another one. It should be easier, since it’s a lower level course, but it’s not. I haven’t been to a single lecture, since all of them clashed with others, and I think I’ve read like four pages this fall. Read half the book last year, so I guess that’s why I don’t feel like reading it now. I’ve read it before, ergo it’s boring. So yeah, definitely gonna take it again during the spring semester. Heh.

Instead of reading this week I’ve been obsessing about this new and shiny laptop/tablet thingy that I want, and today I’ve done nothing but look at games for the Nintendo 3DS that I want. (Want want want. More on that later.)

It’s getting late, almost midnight, and I have to get up at 7.30 tomorrow morning. Just poured myself a huge glass of wine, which I intend to drink. It helps me sleep before an exam, I always get nervous and worried and can’t sleep, even if I have already given up. I know I won’t do well tomorrow, but I still have nerves. Bleh.

Wish me luck. Gods know I need it, although I don’t deserve it. Bad llama.

About HedgeHag

Sometimes I try to do too many things at once, other times I just sit in my chair and do nothing for hours... Manic? Yep. Depressive? Yeah. What goes up, must come down, I guess. Cheers!

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