The world didn’t end!

So I guess that’s a good thing 🙂 Would hate if it all ended just days before Christmas, I have so many nice presents for everyone, would be a shame to waste them on a volcano or something.

I’m done with all my exams for this year. The first biology went really well, I got a B. Not bad for only threes days of reading 🙂 The second biology didn’t go too well, but at least I passed. Got a D. Will try again in February. The chemistry didn’t go well at all. The results won’t be back before next year, but I’m pretty sure I failed. I did know some things, but then I started thinking and confused myself and fucked it all up. Bleh.

I had so many things planned these days after my exams, but suddenly I was needed at work and nothing much has been done. But the house is clean (enough) and almost all the presents are wrapped. Will work tomorrow and Sunday, and then I’ll go home for Christmas for about three days, before I come back here to work some more. My February paycheck will be glorious 🙂

Making pizza tonight, yay 😀

Want want want

I’m a horrible, horrible materialist. I want stuff. I need stuff. I love my gadgets and give them names. Seriously, if I ever have kids, I’m gonna give them a ton of things just so I can play with them (the things, not the kids). My phone’s name is Fritiof.

I have only expensive things on my wish list this year. Most years I have trouble coming up with wishes, but not this time. On top of the list is a new laptop/tablet, second is a Nintendo 3DS, then a bunch of games and two pretty expensive books (one about dinosaurs!).

I’ve wanted a Nintendo for years, I’ve been waiting and hoping they’d become cheap as the next model came out, but that didn’t happen. I finally remembered to put it on my wish list for Christmas, because I don’t really have anything useful to wish for. Heh.

Besides, I turn 30 in January, which means I’m sort of entitled to more expensive presents than usual (sounds really awful when I put it like that, but there you go). I’ve never gotten very expensive gifts before, unless they were something I needed, like stuff for the house. Now I just want that cute little console to play with. A shiny red and black one 🙂 Or the laptop, because I actually need that. I’ve tried to explain to my mother that it won’t be that much if they all pool together, but I don’t know. My people aren’t exactly rich.

My mother thinks I should wish for something fancy for my 30th, it’s a special day, after all (for her, at least). She asked me if maybe I’d like some nice jewelery? Um, no. Not really. I got a necklace and a bracelet from my aunt for my 25th, and I’ve worn it once. At Christmas last year. So no, I’d rather have something I can use and have fun with. I know it’s not gonna last forever like diamonds or whatever, but come on. I don’t need bling that costs as much as a year’s worth of school books. I have a fairly particular taste in jewelry, so I’d rather buy my own anyway, and the cheaper the better.

The boyfriend just got a new laptop from his mother. His old one was dying, so he got a new one. And he still gets Christmas presents (and birthday presents in a couple of weeks!). Can you feel the jealousy? 😛 Yes, well. My poor laptop is more than five years old and practically falling apart. Buttons are broken and the screen regularly blacks out. It’s slow (although still faster than some, so that’s not bad), and after a few hours you can fry bacon on it. Plus it makes horrible high pitched squeaky noises that drive me insane.

So I guess I really should hope for the laptop, but at the same time I just really really want a new toy. Because I’m a 30 year old child. Always 🙂