
Despite some drunken crocheting the other day, I managed to finish these guys tonight 😀 The pattern is up on Ravelry already, will do Etsy in the morning (check my pages for links). Now I’m gonna watch one more episode of Deadwood before bed 🙂

Grr, argh!

I’ve just finished this very awesome crocheted creature (if I may say so myself). A dragon!


A friend of mine ordered it for a friend’s kid some time after Christmas, and I only just finished it! Ridiculous, I know… I was supposed to finish him this summer, but that didn’t happen, so of course it was a rush these past couple of weeks to get it done before the kid’s birthday, and last night it was finally done. And then my friend told me that the kid’s birthday isn’t for another month… Bleh! But at least it’s done, and I can begin to focus on math again. It’s been neglected for almost three weeks now…


Hmm. Well, I have taken lots of pictures, and I’ve written down everything I did, so maybe it will be a published pattern some day, but after I’m done with my exams. We’ll see 🙂

Cute little bat


Look what I made today!

Well, I finished him, anyway. I finished and handed in a math assignment that’s taken up way too much time the past two weeks, so today I finally took the time to sit down and finish this little guy. He’s gonna be part of a pattern set I’m making for Halloween. Isn’t he the cutest little vampire? Oooooo… 😛