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Down with the sickness

It’s 4am, and I just woke up. I feel like a fucking zombie. Hate being sick, especially when I don’t have time for it.

Tuesday afternoon I felt something lurking. I figured I was just hungry (because it often feels like I’m coming down with the flu when I don’t eat for a while), but eating didn’t really help. So I ate a handful of vitamin C pills and drank camomile tea with honey in great amounts, and by the end of the evening, I actually felt better.

This morning I woke up with a cold. Not the worst thing, so I had a nice breakfast, more vitamin C and went to school. Very important biology lab course I couldn’t miss. I got home and had lots more tea, and it seemed to have stabilized.

And now it’s the middle of the night and I feel like crap. Guess I couldn’t hold it off any longer. It hurts to look at light (pretty uncomfortable to type this up on my phone) and I have a headache. So I’m considering staying home from school to nurse my health, because I have to work this weekend, and I don’t want to get any worse. If I go to school I might drag this out for days longer than I have to. But the next two days I have four lectures and a chemistry study group that I don’t want to miss 😦 Nothing obligatory, but it’s complicated stuff and I feel like I should go. Decisions, decisions…

About HedgeHag

Sometimes I try to do too many things at once, other times I just sit in my chair and do nothing for hours... Manic? Yep. Depressive? Yeah. What goes up, must come down, I guess. Cheers!

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