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So yeah, I’ve been gone again, I know. I suppose this blog is more or less dead now, it doesn’t look like there have been visitors in ages. But whatever, it’s my blog, and I cry if I want to.

A lot has happened since last time … I think my last post was in June last year? Well, I won’t bore you with lots of details, but there are a few reasons why I haven’t been around for a while. First, I’ve practically been living on Tumblr the past year. I have a personal blog there that I won’t give to anyone (so don’t bother asking), and it basically contains all the shit I can find to complain about, which is too whiny to be on Twitter and too fragmented to put on a “proper” blog. And some really personal stuff I wouldn’t tell anyone even if my life depended on it. So there’s that. Tumblr just makes it so easy to make spontaneous posts. Kinda like Twitter, but with no character limit. Second reason is that WordPress updated their Android app to a version that makes it really fucking annoying to switch between accounts. And I’ve posted mostly on my craft blog, which is on a different account than this one, so I just haven’t bothered switching back. Not sure how to solve that problem, except having two phones or something. Bleh. I don’t know.

So… Pokemon šŸ™‚ The new games were released in October last year, and so that has kept me pretty busy. I’ve never been into the franchise, I’d seen an episode on TV and thought it looked really silly, so I never bothered. Also I was never much of a gamer when I was little. I mostly enjoyed watching my friends play. I tried Mario and things like that a couple of times, but I didn’t quite have the dexterity to get through an entire level without losing all my lives. But the new Pokemon games looked cool and I thought I’d try them, and wow… Never had so much fun! Basically my hoarding instinct kicked in and I just had to catch ’em all šŸ™‚ And when I finished the new games (yes, both of them, even though they’re pretty much identical) I’ve been on a shopping spree to try and get most of the older games as well. I’ve even gone so far as to get my hands on a Game Boy so I can play the original games if I want to. This is getting serious. Hooked on Pokemon at 30 years old…

And I finally passed my math exam with a decent grade! Last semester I only took a single course (two less than I should, but whatever) so that I could put all my energy into the math thing. I did pretty well, too, for a while. Not sure what happened, but I guess the time between the end of classes and the final exam was a bit too long, and I basically had a three-week break before the exam. Answering the questions took too long and I only finished about half of the exam before the time was up. I was hoping for a D, but I ended up getting an E, which is as low as it gets (and still passing). So I passed, but I was really mad and discouraged by the whole thing. But I signed up for a new exam (my third and last possible attempt) in February, and somehow that went well. I didn’t think so based on the number of questions I was able to answer, and considering I only studied the day before the exam… But I got a C! I’m so fucking happy that I’m finally done with that stupid bloody course. It’s taken me three years, but I finally did it šŸ™‚

Yeah. Long post, all text. I think I’ll stop now. Will hopefully be back in not too long šŸ™‚


About HedgeHag

Sometimes I try to do too many things at once, other times I just sit in my chair and do nothing for hours... Manic? Yep. Depressive? Yeah. What goes up, must come down, I guess. Cheers!

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